To Be a Genius, Think Like a 94-Year-Old

John GoodenoughIn this interview by The New York Times, Dr Goodenough says “I’m old enough to know you can’t close your mind to new ideas. You have to test out every possibility if you want something new.”

Studies have shown that inventors peak in their late 40s and tend to be highly productive in the last half of their careers. Yipee!

Read this article here

Easter surprise in the office!


What if you surprise your colleagues this year for easter?

You would buy only a few more chocolate eggs and bunnies, put them in your office bag between your laptop and your phone and drop them on your colleagues keyboards a few minutes before they arrive next Tuesday! I’ve done that last year with my team and still remember the smiles, the chocolate moustaches at the coffee machine and even some selfies with bunnies later in the day!

No need for the full egg hunt, with a little straw basket (even if I can see your smile thinking of a few possibilities…) to create a very positive buzz, gratitude and a wonderful beginning of the day for those around you!