I have met Freek Vermeulen once at a conference in Paris and was immediately interested in his non conventional approach of leadership. In this article, he praises leaders who are able to take time to reflect and thus ensure the sustainability of their business. I can’t agree more to that! Enjoy the reading here
Category: Positive Management
Perfection is not the point
Why do we spend so much time waiting to be fully ready before moving on?
C’mon guys, GO GO GO!
Why positivity is good for business
Just as company culture helps shape a company, the positivity in your workplace influences culture but research suggests positive language is on the decline. Here is a very interesting article on how to keep positivity alive in your organization. Click HERE to read.
Now is…now
This clock should be mandatory in all offices…and homes!
Stop the Jelly communication!
How effective is the communication you experience every day?
You see, the way many people communicate is like filling a bucket with Jelly, flinging it at their audience, and hoping some of it sticks.It’s ineffective, it’s irritating, and, above all, it’s very messy.
This international best seller by Andy Bounds shows you how to raise your game to a new level with simple, memorable and costless ways to win more attention and more business.
I just love it and use his advice in many occasions. Enjoy the reading!
Easter surprise in the office!
What if you surprise your colleagues this year for easter?
You would buy only a few more chocolate eggs and bunnies, put them in your office bag between your laptop and your phone and drop them on your colleagues keyboards a few minutes before they arrive next Tuesday! I’ve done that last year with my team and still remember the smiles, the chocolate moustaches at the coffee machine and even some selfies with bunnies later in the day!
No need for the full egg hunt, with a little straw basket (even if I can see your smile thinking of a few possibilities…) to create a very positive buzz, gratitude and a wonderful beginning of the day for those around you!
A book to be an efficient manager
Today, people look for more fulfillment in their work and in their lives. They want to feel engaged and make a meaningful contribution. The authors understand this and treat people accordingly-knowing that they are key contributors to the organization’s success. Attracting and keeping talent is a priority. The game plan is around goals, praise and re-direction…and that is a gift!
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