A book to be an efficient manager

One minute Manager Today, people look for more fulfillment in their work and in their lives. They want to feel engaged and make a meaningful contribution. The authors understand this and treat people accordingly-knowing that they are key contributors to the organization’s success. Attracting and keeping talent is a priority. The game plan is around goals, praise and re-direction…and that is a gift!

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A book to energize your team and customers!


Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion and a positive attitude to the job every day. In this engrossing parable, a fictional manager has the responsibility of turning a chronically unenthusiastic and unhelpful department into an effective team.

Seattle’s Pike Place Fish is a world famous market that is wildly successful thanks to its fun, bustling, joyful atmosphere and great customer service. By applying ingeniously simple lessons learned from the Pike Place, our manager discovers how to energise and transform her workplace.

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